200948SOA12Through 2010, a lack of working SOA governance arrangements will be the most common reason for SOA failure.“Applica*on and SOA Governance, The Who, What and Why” ‐ Ma Hotle, Gartner, June 2008SOA3SOA45:5:SOASOASOA56:6:()SOA()67:7:()78…8…()89:9:91010SOA11SOASOA separates func?ons into dis?nct units, or services, which developers make accessible over a network in order that users can combine and reuse them in the produc?on of applica?ons.Wikipedia12SOASOA separates func?ons into dis?nct units, or services, which developers make accessible over a network in order that users can combine and reuse them in the produc?on of applica?ons.Wikipedia12SOASOA separates func?ons into dis?nct units, or services, which developers make accessible over a network in order that users can combine and reuse them in the produc?on of applica?ons.Wikipedia1213111311213112N13112NSOA14112NSOA14112NSOA14112NSOA15112NSOA15112NSOA15112NSOA15112NSOA15112NSOA16112NSOA16112NSOA16SOA17SOA10017SOA100*90%17SOA100*90%*90%17SOA100*90%*90%*90%17SOA100*90%*90%*90%*90%17SOA100*90%*90%*90%*90%*90%17SOA100*90%*90%*90%*90%*90%5917SOA100*90%*90%*90%*90%*90%5917SOA18SOAYou only need one service to destroy your business.Gartner18SOAYou only need one service to destroy your business.Gartner1819…19…19SOA20SOASOA governance is doing the right SOA things the right way of the SOA stakeholders.EricA.Marks:“SOAGovernanceoftheServicesDrivenEnterprise”SOA Governance is a concept used for ac?vi?es related to exercising control over services in an SOA. The specific focus of SOA governance is on the development of services that add value to the business, effec?ve SOA governance must cover the people, processes, and technologies involved in the en?re SOA life cycle.Wikipedia21SOASOA governance is doing the right SOA things the right way of the SOA stakeholders.EricA.Marks:“SOAGovernanceoftheServicesDrivenEnterprise”SOA Governance is a concept used for ac?vi?es related to exercising control over services in an SOA. The specific focus of SOA governance is on the development of services that add value to the business, effec?ve SOA governance must cover the people, processes, and technologies involved in the en?re SOA life cycle.Wikipedia21SOASOA governance is doing the right SOA things the right way of the SOA stakeholders.EricA.Marks:“SOAGovernanceoftheServicesDrivenEnterprise”SOA Governance is a concept used for ac?vi?es related to exercising control over services in an SOA. The specific focus of SOA governance is on the development of services that add value to the business, effec?ve SOA governance must cover the people, processes, and technologies involved in the en?re SOA life cycle.Wikipedia21SOASOA governance is doing the right SOA things the right way of the SOA stakeholders.EricA.Marks:“SOAGovernanceoftheServicesDrivenEnterprise”SOA Governance is a concept used for ac?vi?es related to exercising control over services in an SOA. The specific focus of SOA governance is on the development of services that add value to the business, effec?ve SOA governance must cover the people, processes, and technologies involved in the en?re SOA life cycle.Wikipedia21SOASOA governance is doing the right SOA things the right way of the SOA stakeholders.EricA.Marks:“SOAGovernanceoftheServicesDrivenEnterprise”SOA Governance is a concept used for ac?vi?es related to exercising control over services in an SOA. The specific focus of SOA governance is on the development of services that add value to the business, effec?ve SOA governance must cover the people, processes, and technologies involved in the en?re SOA life cycle.Wikipedia21SOASOA governance is doing the right SOA things the right way of the SOA stakeholders.EricA.Marks:“SOAGovernanceoftheServicesDrivenEnterprise”SOA Governance is a concept used for ac?vi?es related to exercising control over services in an SOA. The specific focus of SOA governance is on the development of services that add value to the business, effec?ve SOA governance must cover the people, processes, and technologies involved in the en?re SOA life cycle.Wikipedia21SOASOA governance is doing the right SOA things the right way of the SOA stakeholders.EricA.Marks:“SOAGovernanceoftheServicesDrivenEnterprise”SOA Governance is a concept used for ac?vi?es related to exercising control over services in an SOA. The specific focus of SOA governance is on the development of services that add value to the business, effec?ve SOA governance must cover the people, processes, and technologies involved in the en?re SOA life cycle.Wikipedia21SOASOA governance is doing the right SOA things the right way of the SOA stakeholders.EricA.Marks:“SOAGovernanceoftheServicesDrivenEnterprise”SOA Governance is a concept used for ac?vi?es related to exercising control over services in an SOA. The specific focus of SOA governance is on the development of services that add value to the business, effec?ve SOA governance must cover the people, processes, and technologies involved in the en?re