Task 1‐1. Absorption costing OAR= Estimated Production Overhead / Estimated Activity Level,都是budget值 *Activity level可以是production units,可以是labor hours,也可是machine hours 取决于劳动密集,还是机械生产密集intensive. 实际计算Cost of sale (COS) 时,Overhead absorbed = OAR x actual activity level Advantage ★考点Disadvantage Recognize selling prices cover all costs 通过改变生产规模Manipulate profit Complies with IAS 2 – accounting for inventory Based on the assumption that overheads are volume related OAR由Estimates计算得,主观偏差 Task 1‐2. Marginal costing Advantage Disadvantage 适合decision making as it highlights contribution Danger that products sold on marginal contribution – fail to cover fixed costs Fixed cost are treated as period costs Doesn’t comply with IAS 2,需要调整报表 Profit depends on sales and efficiency Necessitates analysis of mixed costs between FC and VC ☆技巧 AC = MC + (Closing Inventory – Opening Inventory) x OAR *The absorption costing requires subjective judgments.预算估计主观判断太多 *There is often more than one way to allocate the overheads.制造成本分摊可操纵 Task 2. Activity‐based costing ★考点Traditional absorption costing适用于★考点Activity‐based costing适用于 One or a few simple and similar products Production has become more complex Overhead costs 占很小比例proportion Assess product profitability realistically 资源consumption not driven by volume Larger organizations & the service sector 成本驱动drive:不同单位,不同OAR ◆解题步骤:Cost Pool → Cost Drive → OAR → Absorbed → Full Cost ★考点Advantage ★考点Disadvantage More accurate cost/unit.适用绩效appraisal.Time consuming & expensive Control OC by managing cost drivers Limited benefit当成本和volume related Profitability analysis to customers或生产线 Multiple cost drivers情况复杂,导致不精确Better understanding of what drives OC Arbitrary apportionment 任意分配 ★考点‐计算题(10.Dec.Q4) Problems when implementing ABC: ‐ 耗时 ‐ 需要上层支持,因为缺乏信息 ‐ Project team运作,成员来自各个部门 ‐ IT部门支持 ‐ 了解成本结构 ‐ Cost‐benefit analysis★成本效益分析 Target 3. Target costing Cost plus pricing 传统成本法 Target costing Focus on internal Focus on external Steps of target costing 如何减少Cost gap Product specifications Selling price Target profit: margin/ ROI Target cost Close the cost gap 1)购买便宜的材料(bulk buying采购折扣或新供应商)2)降低人工成本 3)提高生产能力,生产效率 4)以自动化替代人工automation 5)减少无用环节 eliminate non value added activities 6)尽量减少部件数量,或尽可能使用多的标准件 注:不能在质量上妥协compromise,不得影响质量 ★考点Implications of target costing ‐Cost control: 目标成本体系中,价格是首要考量consideration! 开发development过程中就要考虑成本,而不是后来产生时再考虑。 ‐Performance management: 业绩管理 focus on 确保完成 sales targets以及提高生产加工方式improve production processed to drive down costs ,至少达到目标成本。 ★考点Difficulties of using target costing in service industries 基于服务行业的以下4个特点,服务行业不适用于target cost Simultaneity同时性:created at time consumed Heterogeneity异质性: quality/ consistency varies Intangibility无形的: of what is provided Perishability易腐烂性: cannot make in advance and store up No transfer to ownership 物权不转移 除此以外,服务行业需要更多的定性的qualitative information来实现价格和评估表现, eg: Quality of service 或Repeat customers等等 Task 4. Life cycle costing Development 主要: 研发费用 Sales volume: None A high level of set‐up costs Research & development costs Product design and production facilities Introduction 主要: 广告费等 Sales volume: Very low level High marketing and promotion costs High business risk (negative cash flow, very high fixed costs) Growth 主要: 投入设备和广告 Sales volume: Rapid increase Sales revenue increase dramatically Marketing and promotion cost will continue through this stage Costs decrease as fixed costs are recovered over greater sales volumes Maturity 主要: 材料人工等 产品区别化来提高竞争力 Sales volume: Stable high volume Initially profits keep increase as initial set‐up and fixed costs are recovered Marketing and distribution economies are achieved Price competition and product differentiation will start to erode profitability as new customers are limited Decline 主要: 退役成本 或改良产品来延长生命周期 Sales volume: Falling demand Product is phasing out, 经济效益下滑 marketing costs are cut in this stageA replacement product needs to have been developed(R&D) Extra development costs to refine the model/function to extend life cycle Discommisioning cost退役成本,产品退出市场 作用:Maximizing return over the product life cycle产品整个生命周期的投资回报昀大化 Design costs out of products 早期设计时考虑了产品70%+的成本,从整个生命周期来看,昀大化的降低成本。 Minimize the time to market缩短入场时间,尽早占据市场,且竞争对手的产品不多 Maximize the length of the life cycle itself. 将产品可盈利的时间拉长,来增加收益 Minimize break‐even time 尽快达到盈亏平衡点,即尽早收回投资,实现盈利 Manage the product’s cash flow 管理现金流 Key time periods need to be measured: Time to market Break‐even time after product launch Return factor 投资收回后收益Implications 对企业的启示/意义 True costs of product are identified特点:考虑了R&D,全面考虑了产品盈利性 Price will change according to demand 产品价格随市场需求/竞争情况而调整 Assess profitability over product life not by period从生命周期看利润情况,而非阶段 ★考点Benefits优势: 1.考虑了预期寿命内的外部因素external factors 2.考虑所有成本包括R&D费用,进而在设计时就考虑了成本降低问题 3.非常适用于当前的competitive environment,现代产品生命周期都较短,大部分费用a large portion of costs发生在先期,即研发和产品引进市场阶段。 4.鼓励长期回报的政策,譬如若产品生命5年,这5年内全部盈利多少,则有多少奖励。鼓励工程师和生产经理更多从大局考虑,而非短期的盈利性。 5.鼓励昀大化产品周期内的投资回报 ★考点计算题: