网络公共数字图书馆(IPL)的管理与革新Redesigning IPL Digital Library林夏The iSchool@DrexelCollege of Information Science and TechnologyDrexel University, Philadelphia, PA USA纲要•介绍IPL 与LII•探讨如何建设新一代的数字图书馆•讨论我们图书馆员应该如何为新一代的数字图书馆贡献我们的力量CopyrightbyXiaLin2Introducing …IPL CopyrightbyXiaLin3IPL 介绍•IPL是最早建成的数字图书馆之一。–是唯一的一个坚持提供e‐reference 十多年的数图。•IPL是一个完全由图书情报学院的学生创建,发展及维护的数字图书馆–学生既是“图书馆员”又是“用户”–图书情报学院学生为中小学生及其他用户服务•IPL正在创办一个新的“digital Labs”–为数字图书馆的实验与创新服务CopyrightbyXiaLin4IPL Digital LabsCopyrightbyXiaLin5Another Digital Library coming to Drexel ‐‐LIICopyrightbyXiaLin6LII介绍•LII–图书馆员推荐的网站–“WEB SITE YOU CAN TRUST”•provide a well‐organized point of access for reliable, trustworthy, librarian‐selected websites–得到媒体的大力推荐•图书馆员维护的元数据(Metadata)–高标准,高质量•图书馆员的“community”–4000多RSS/email newsletters sent CopyrightbyXiaLin7IPL + LII @Drexel •如何把这两个数图的好传统保持下次?•如何将这两个数图带到2.0 时代?•这是这几个图书馆院校共同面临的问题CopyrightbyXiaLin8CopyrightbyXiaLin9Building A Next Generation of Digital Library•Library Mantras (图书馆的“紧箍咒”)–Libraries must be available everywhere.–Libraries must be designed to get better through use.–Libraries must tell stories–Libraries must help people learn.–Libraries must be tools of changes–Libraries must offer paths for exploration.–Libraries must help forge memory. »From: Architectures for Collaboration:Roles and Expectations for Digital Libraries CopyrightbyXiaLin10Library Mantras •Libraries must be available everywhere (图书馆必须无处不在)。–Digital collections are useless unless they are seen. –No one goes to libraries to find things anymore. •It’s rightful business of search engines–Libraries much make collections easily discovered by people. CopyrightbyXiaLin11Library Mantras •Libraries must be designed to get better through use。(图书馆必须能在使用中不断改进与完善)。•People enrich our collections。–Libraries must tell stories。•图书馆必须让信息说话。–Libraries must offer Paths for exploration•图书馆的核心是连接用户与信息。•Mashups and remix information CopyrightbyXiaLin12将理论应用于实践•重新设计IPL 应该考虑哪些原则?CopyrightbyXiaLin13Redesign Principle ‐1 •Let human intelligence at work! –充分发挥人的才能•Let Librarians contribute!–The key concept of IPL and LII is that librarians’contributions are essential to any digital library. –Librarians know how to•Select quality resources •Create quality metadata•Provide user‐friendly services•Maintain long term preservation CopyrightbyXiaLin14Let Librarians contribute!CopyrightbyXiaLin15Redesign Principle 2•Create a participatory digital library (建立一个参与型的数字图书馆)•Communities and social networks are essential. (社区与社会网络是图书馆的一个组成部分)•Users are active contributors (让用户积极地为图书馆做出贡献)–Libraries get better through use–Folksonomies and metadata improve over time–Wisdom of crowdsCopyrightbyXiaLin16 Principle 3•Follow the SOA Principles (面向服务构架)–Service‐Oriented Architecture •Separations of backend services and front‐end interfaces or interactive functions•Loosely couple APIs–Use of XML technology–Use of Mashups technology•Reusable Components–Dynamic and evolving structures and contents •Permanent betas CopyrightbyXiaLin18Redesign Principle –4•Services! Service!! And Service!!! (以服务为中心!)–Service to the public •Quality of collections and links•Quality reference services –Service for LIS/DL education•to ischool community–Service to research •Digital Labs CopyrightbyXiaLin19Digital Labs 无所不在•Google Labs•Yahoo! Labs•NYPL Labs(New York 公共图书馆)•Open Science GridCopyrightbyXiaLin20IPL Labs•both a learning environment and an operational digital library•To support easy‐to‐use tools and data for various digital library activities•To provide a platform and a “sandbox”to test new ideas and new technologies•To showcase how learning and collaboration take place in a digital space.CopyrightbyXiaLin21IPL Labs Project ‐1•Metadata Evaluation –Accuracy–Completeness–Consistence –Usefulness •Use Google Doc to create a questionnaire–Digital library class students complete the questionnaire as an assignment. CopyrightbyXiaLin22IPL Labs Project –2 •IPL Architecture Redesign–Use what system?•Fedora or Joomla ?–Separate content, metadata and interface?–Create APIs and Web Services •Must allow user to contribute –Create collaboration space? •Information Commons on the Digial Space CopyrightbyXiaLin23IPL Labs Project –3 •Digital Collection Development –Collections must be known before anyone uses it –Collection‐level metadata need to be developed –Three Rs of Digital Collections•Reviewing •Ranking•Recommendation •Develop an integrated system for all the above. CopyrightbyXiaLin24IPL Labs Project –4 •Collaborative Interface design–Using Flex and Ajax–Metadata management interface–Semantic mapping interface–Visualization search interface CopyrightbyXiaLin25IPL Labs Project –5 •Digital Reference–During any given term, the IPL may have as many as 500 student volunteers answering questions from multiple LIS programs–Creating a knowledge base for reference questions is essential.–Semantic m