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方隅教育---SSAT独家全真试题(数学)学校简介:方隅教育是由原新东方首席培训师,中国唯一ETS演讲学者陈学巍创办的专注低龄化出国的留美学校,主要培训范围是SSAT,托福,SAT,TOEFLJUNIOR考试。我们致力于为客户提供高端,定制化的一对一和小班教学服务。通过长期对于学员的陪伴和影响,我们希望提升学员的英语,逻辑能力,标准化考试分数,以及帮助学员形成良好的学习习惯和严谨自律的性格。公司理念:方隅的核心价值观是“DisciplineandExcellence”(自律与卓越)。我们相信学习依靠的是智力,也更多依靠科学体系和行为管理能力;而学习所提供的,绝不只考试的成绩,更是一条成就更优秀自我的道路。培训范围:SSAT一对一,SSAT保分,托福一对一,托福保分等。SSAT实力:业内独家官方题目,教学团队经验丰富,全体教师结合真题自编教材。高频词汇总结成册,高频考点重点讲解,私人订制学习规划。真题预测命中率高,学员平均成绩2200+SSAT真题资源:独家真题获取渠道,官网原题PDF,无后期处理,百分百还原考试内容以及形式。30套完整SSAT真题,市面最全,质量最高,保证全程真题教学,绝不使用模拟题。刷题也用真题刷。关注公众号“edufangyu”,回复“SSAT真题”获取真题UpperLevelSSATPracticeTest1byFutureEducation(Ifpossible,pleaseprintmedouble-sided!)FutureEducationCopyright©2018QS2Section2Quantitative(Math)Section25QuestionsTime:30minutesInthissection,eachquestionisfollowedbyfiveanswerchoices.Youmaywriteinthetestbooklet.Foreachansweryouchoose,fillinthecorrespondingbubbleonyouranswerdocument.Note:Inthissection,youcanassumethatthefiguresthataccompanythequestionsareaccuratelydrawnEXCEPTwhenthequestionstatesthataparticularfigureisnotdrawntoscale.SAMPLEQUESTION:SampleAnswer(A)(B)(C)(D)(E)1,567–382=_____(A)1,075(B)1,083(C)1,185(D)1,195(E)1,243Thecorrectansweris1,185,sochoiceCisdarkened.STOP.Donotgoonuntiltoldtodoso.Upper #1 - QS #11. The sum of the angles of a regularpolygon is 720 and each angle has ameasure of 120. How many sides doesthe polygon have?(A) 4(B) 5(C) 6(D) 7(E) 82. Which of the following is the solution tothe inequality ?(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) 3. Which of the following gives the totalnumber of seconds in hours, minutes, and seconds?(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) 4. In Figure 1, if is a positive integer,which of the following segment lengthscould be the length of the segment ?(A) 12(B) 30(C) 42(D) 51(E) 635. If , then (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) It cannot be determined from theinformation given.6. If the points (–1, 4) and (1, –2) are on aline that is perpendicular to the line , what is the value of ?(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) 33Upper #1 - QS #17. If 20% of is 18, what is 5% of ?(A) 9(B) 18(C) 36(D) 45(E) 908. A triangle has two sides that measure 4cm and 9 cm. Which is a possiblemeasure for the third side of thetriangle?(A) 4 cm(B) 5 cm(C) 9 cm(D) 13 cm(E) 14 cm9. If is divisible by 8, which of thefollowing is also divisible by 8?(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) 10. A large square has a perimeter of 720centimeters. If 36 identical small squaresare used to make up the larger square,what is the side length of one smallsquare?(A) 2 centimeters(B) 5 centimeters(C) 10 centimeters(D) 20 centimeters(E) 30 centimeters11. A barbell weighs 20 kilograms. Weightsare added to the barbell, increasing theweight of the barbell by 30%. What is thetotal weight of the barbell with the addedweights?(A) 6 kilograms(B) 14 kilograms(C) 17 kilograms(D) 23 kilograms(E) 26 kilograms12. If and , what isthe value of ?(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) 4Upper #1 - QS #113. A horse ride on the beach costs for the first kilometer and for eachadditional kilometer. How manykilometers can someone travel for ?(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) It cannot be determined from theinformation given.14. If for all values of , whatis the value of ?(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) 15. If Set A = {2, 3, 6, 17, 24, 31, 32} andSet B = {1, 3, 4, 6, 11, 13, 17, 20, 28},what is the intersection of Set A and SetB?(A) {3, 6}(B) {3, 6, 17}(C) {2, 3, 4, 17}(D) {1, 2, 4, 20, 24, 28, 32}(E) {1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 11, 13, 17, 20, 24, 28,31, 32}16. A circle has a diameter of 3 cm, a squarehas a side length of 3 cm, and anequilateral triangle has a side length of 3cm. Which of the following lists theshapes in increasing order ofcircumference or perimeter?(A) square, circle, triangle(B) circle, square, triangle(C) circle, triangle, square(D) triangle, square, circle(E) triangle, circle, square17. The table below shows some values of alinear function. Which linear function isdefined by these values? (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) 18. You throw a ball straight up in the airwith an initial velocity of 3 meters persecond. The ball's height, , in meters, seconds after it is thrown is given by theequation . After howmany seconds does the ball hit theground?(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) 5Upper #1 - QS #119. The average age of three female geese isfour years and ten months and theaverage age of five male geese is fiveyears and three months. Approximatelywhat is the average age of all eightgeese?(A) 4 years(B) 5 years(C) 5.5 years(D) 6 years(E) 6.6 years20. Ground beef that weighs pounds canbe divided into how many sections thateach weigh 5 ounces? (Note: There are16 ounces in 1 pound)(A) 14(B) 21(C) 28(D) 40(E) 4421. ◊◊◊◊. What is thevalue of ?(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) 22. The coordinates of quadrilateral are , , , and . What is the length of diagonal ?(A) 7(B) 5(C) 4(D) 3(E) 223. The total price of 5 identical books is$40. The price of one fourth of a bookcan be determined by multip

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