2D product drawing 2D 2K injection machine 2K 2‐plate mold 3 plate 3 3‐plate mold 3‐plate pin gate A plate A A/B plate steel A/B Air bubble Air bubble Air cylinder alter gate position or increase gate size Angle lifter Angle pin Angle pin Application for inspection Automatic unscrewing mold B plate B Baffle Balanced runner Balancing plates/pillars Ball screw Ball screw Banana gate Band saw Bearing Berilium copper/ampco Big grinding machines Black specks/emdedded contaminates black spots, bronze steaks Blade ejector Blister/blistering blisters Blue die Blush Bolts Bonded area Bonded goods Boss Boss Bottom clamping plate Brand insert/ mark insert brittleness Brittleness bubble Bubbles Burn mark Burn marks‐ air or gas Cavity insert Cavity insert Cavity number Cavity number Cavity Cavity/ core insert / Cavity/core finish Cavity/core pin / Center sprue/sprue gate / Chain wheel Chain Chain Chamfering machine Change gate location Change screw speed Check for contamination check for heater malfunction Check hopper and feed zone for contamination Check mold for undercuts and insufficient draft / Check resin lubricant level Check resin lubricate level check the material for contamination Chrome plating Chrome plating Chrome Clamp/jig Clean vents Cloth polishing CMM CNC grinding lathe CNC machines Cold slag well Collapsible core action “retreat” Collapsible core Color different Color mismatch Color sreaks Control/sensor / Cooling tube Copper electrode Core insert Core pin Core Corner radius Cracking Cracking, crazing Crazing Crub screw Customs fine Customs seals Cut‐in‐solid cavity Cut‐in‐solid core Cycle time Data grid Date code Date code Datum DDP DDU Decrease amount of regrind used Decrease booster time Decrease booster time decrease booster time Decrease cylinder and nozzle temperature Decrease cylinder temperature Decrease holding pressure Decrease injection hold Decrease injection pressure Decrease injection speed Decrease mold cavity temperature decrease number or size of vents Decrease overall cycle time Delamination Delamination/skinning Demolding polish Depth for the nozzle into the mold Depth guage Diameter of the location ring Diameter Direct sprue on part Discoloration Discoloration distance of mold opening Double action slider Double color molds Dowel pin Dowel pin Draft angle Draft angle Drag marks Drag marks Drawback: duties payment refunded because freight is re‐exported or for similar circumstances Drill bit/ cutter sharpener Drill bit/ cutter sharpener Drill presses Drop gate Dry material Dry resin pellets before use ED piercing mill Edge gate Edge/side gate EDM computer controlled EDM finished EDM EGB(ejector guide bush) Ejected mark Ejecting system Ejector bar Ejector bushes Ejector marks Ejector pin Ejector plate Ejector retainer plate Ejector retainer plate Ejectors not returned Electric leak Electronic weigh scale Engrave Engrave Engraving Excessive flash Excessive shrinkage Export country Eye bolt Fan gate Fang ate Fillet/inside radius Filling uneven Fine texture Fine thread Finish cavities Fitting machines Fixed location ringFlash marks/burr Flash Flat head cap screw Flat hex cap screw fhcs Floating core Floating insert Floating plate Flow marks/ flow lines Flow mark Flow, halo, blush marks Flush For food marking insert Full round Galling Gas trapped Gate shear Gate type Gear rack Gear wheel/ intermediate gear wheel Gear Geles Gels/ clear spots Gib locating slot/dowel pin Gib Graphite electrode Grease/ oil stains Green die Grooved ball bearing Guage block Guide bushes Guide pin Guide pin/leader pin Guide/locating system Gun drill Gussets/ rocket ribs H mold H Half round Hard mold Hardened Hardness tester Hasco standard parts HASCO Heat treatment Heater Height guage Helical nut Helical spindle Hex socket screw Hexagonal head screw High polish Hoist ring Holding plate for angle pin Hole Hot manifold plate Hot runner brand/mark Hot runner pin gate Hot runner plate Hydraulic cylinder Hydraulic cylinder Hydraulic handjack Hydraulic motor Hydraulic motor Hydraulic motor Hydraulic slide action Hydraulic I million or above I mold Imitate DME DME Imitate hasco HASCO improve mold cavity venting Inch standard parts Increase backpressure Increase clamp pressure Increase clamp pressure Increase cold slug area in size or number Increase cylinder temperature Increase gate size and change gate location / Increase holding time Increase injection hold Increase melt and mold temperature Increase melt temperature Increase mold close Increase nozzle temperature Increase overall cycle time Increase plasticating capacity of machine or use machine with large plasticating capacity Increase screw speed Increase shot length Increase shot size and confirm cushion Increase th