第1页共25页 MOCK UP ROOM REVIEW CHECK LIST 样板间检查表 HOTEL NAME 酒店名称 Sheraton Shantou REVIEW DATE 检查日期 INTERIOR DESIGNER 室内设计师 Cheng Chung Design ROOM TYPE 房间类型 KING DOUBLE QUEEN SUITE CORRIDOR LIFT LOBBY LIFTS REVIEWED BY 检查者 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 样板间检查概要 第2页共25页 NO. ITEM STARWOOD COMMENTS FOLLOW‐UP A ENTRY DOOR 房门 1 General Impression of Entry/Arrival 进门感官印象 2 Sufficient Lighting at Entry 进门区照明 3 Door & Room Number Signage – Fonts per Standard 门及房号标牌 4 Peep Hole Viewer & Cover Plate. 门眼 5 Door Lock System – Manufacturer Must be Starwood approved Brands 门锁系统(颜色、款式),根据喜达屋的品牌要求 6 Door Bell, Electronic Signal for DND indicator, MUR not required 门铃、电子信号、请勿打扰、门框(噪音)、门底隔音胶条 7 Door Latch with Edge Protection 门插销保护角 8 Door Closer 闭门器 9 Fire Escape Route Plan 消防疏散图 10 Acoustic Sound Gaskets and Drop Seal 门边胶条和门底封条 11 Fire Rating of Entry Door 第3页共25页客房门的防火等级 12 Door Stop Provided 门顶装置 B WARDROBE 衣帽间 1 Size of wardrobe (minimum 1.2m clear hanging excluding drawer unit), minimum 1.2 length and 620mm clear depth 衣柜尺寸(至少1.2米吊挂空间不包括抽屉),长度至少1.2米,深度至少620毫米 2 2‐3 drawer space 抽屉空间(抽屉尺寸供1或2件折叠衣服) 3 Safety deposit box at user‐friendly height (height, size, power outlet) 保险箱(高度、尺寸、电源插座) 4 Auto lighting and switch for closet 衣柜自动照明及开关 5 Closet doors (ease of use, operation, cleaning, warping) 衣柜门(易用性、开关、清洁、清扫) 6 Storage space for bedcover 床罩的存放空间 7 Sliding tray, open shelf (waist hight), racks, or compartments for laundry and shoe amenities 高开放式搁板 8 Stable and well installed hanging rod 悬挂杆 9 Iron, iron board, shoe horn/ brush hook 熨斗,熨衣板,鞋拔/毛刷钩 第4页共25页10 Smoke face mask 2pcs 2个防烟口罩 11 Luggage Rack (material, fabric edge protection, illumination, withstand 40,000 double rub test) 行李架 (材质,面料保护,照明,及40,000次双重磨擦测试) 12 Electrical control panel cabinet is well concealed 机电控制面板柜 13 Storage space for additional loose luggage bench 用来搁置散件行李的长凳的存放空间 14 User‐friendly handles for closet doors, no pinch 衣柜门把手易开,不夹手 C VESTIBULE 门廊 1 Vestibule ceiling height at 2400m clear 门廊天花高度 2 Vestibule Wall Treatment & Durability (transition between wall covering and other wall treatments) 门廊墙面处理及耐用性 (墙表面及其它墙面处理之间的过度细节) 3 Vestibule Floor & Durability (transition detail between bathroom, bedroom, marble and carpet)门廊地面处理及耐用性 (浴室,卧室,大理石地面及地毯之间的收口细节) 4 Switch Location, Welcome Mode Light 照明开关位置,欢迎模式灯 5 Full Length Mirror (adequate illumination) 穿衣镜面(足够的照明) 6 Location and execution of FCU and Supply Air Grill 第5页共25页风机盘管的位置 7 Relationship of Ceiling Access Panels, Lights, Speakers, Sprinkler, Smoke Detector, Emergency Lights, Emergency Speakers – Are They Aligned? 吊顶检修口,照明,喇叭,喷淋头,烟感探测器的相对位置 8 Electrical outlet for housekeeping and ironing board 管家清洁与熨斗使用的插座 9 Width of Corridor (XXXX mm) 走廊宽度 (XXXX 毫米) 10 Thermostat, Light Switches and General Socket Outlets 温控器,照明开关及插座 D MINIBAR 迷你吧台 1 Ventilation for Fridge at top and bottom (raised from floor) 电冰箱通风 2 Dimensions of Minibar Counter – Width and Length is Sufficient and Generous for Guest Use 迷你吧柜台总宽度 3 General storage and presentation of Minibar OS&E 迷你吧储存空间 4 Food Items Display: Biscuits, chips, nuts, cup noodles, liquor and Beverages. 食品: 饼干, 薯片, 果仁, 方便面, 酒 5 Display for tea/ coffee setup : cups, mugs, plates, teabags, coffee plunger/brewer 茶/咖啡配置: 茶杯, 咖啡杯, 盘子, 茶叶包 6 Slotted Storage for Tea Kettle & Ice Bucket 热水壶, 冰桶 第6页共25页7 Electrical Socket for Tea Kettle Provided above Counter 热水壶插座 8 Display for Glassware and Accessories: Stirrers, cutlery, napkins, sugar 玻璃杯具 & 配套器皿: 搅拌棒, 餐具, 餐巾, 糖 9 Styling and Accessories where applicable 艺术品 10 MiniBar Counter Top is Constructed of a Durable Finish ‐ (e.g. material should not scratch easily, profile of edge is smooth) 迷你吧柜台面 (例如: 材质, 角边缘) 11 Minibar Light Switch and Sockets, Light Intensity 迷你吧柜照明开关及电源插座,灯光强度 12 Minibar is Off the Floor and of a Comfortable Reach‐in Height 迷你吧的高度位置适中 E BEDROOM 卧室 1 Initial Impressions from Entry 进门区最初感观印象 2 General Impression of the Bed 从床的位置感观印象 3 Impressions of the Sitting area 沙发区的感观印象 4 Wallpaper Color, Texture, Specifications, Ease Maintenance, Installation 墙纸颜色, 材料网格,便于保养,安装 5 Carpet ‐ Color, Weight, Pattern Repeat, Ease of Maintenance, Construction Specs: Axminister, 第7页共25页Machine Tufted, Loop etc. 地毯 ‐ 颜色,样式,便于保养, 建筑规范: 阿明斯克机织,质量密度等. 6 Overhead Ceiling Light is Well Coordinated with M&E 悬挂/顶灯/机电 7 Adequate Lighting & Dimmer Switches, clear labeling on all guest‐use switches 足够的照明及调光开关 8 Artwork Positioning & Lighting 艺术品摆放及照明 9 Noise of A/C to be addressed 空调噪音 10 Relationship of Ceiling Access Panels, Lights, Speakers, Sprinkler, Smoke Detector, Emergency Lights, Emergency Speakers 吊顶检修口,照明,喇叭,喷淋头,烟感探测器的相对位置 11 Connecting door location and acoustics, no mechanical lock set, thumb turn provide 连通门位置及隔音 12 Starwood approved mattress, bed frame, bed linens, and pillows 喜达屋标准规定的床架、床垫、床上用品和枕头 13 Relevant and copyrig