Duolingo 考试:听写句子/朗读句子小晴Hilary •口语题型1435朗读句子看问题演讲听问题演讲x2看图片演讲口语二选一2•熟悉单词发音1.音标2.字母•熟悉变音现象•元音+元音,辅音+元音,辅音+辅音,失去爆破,浊化,弱读,连读单词测试听着测:secret,sacred,secrete看着测:robotic,Atlantic,mountainhill,heal音标和单词一、48个音标1./l//r/1)音节开头末尾读音不同lot,like,life;file,while,ablered,right,rose;fire,wire,or3)不儿化:ideadeliciousobviousconspicuouscampus2)区分:A.KoreacareerB.mediamediummeteor•Sometimes they do these things to understand the way the world works. 2./ɪ//i://eɪ//æ//e//ai/1)fillfeelfail/fellfilehitheathatehatheadheightridreadrateratredright2)sacredsecretsecrete3./p//t//k//b//d//g/爆破音-瞬间动作,在音节末尾时弱读或不读upwetbikejobbaddog单词1.单词的音节元音数=音节数2.单词实际发音重读音节:模仿四声用力;名前动后egrecord,present弱读音节:轻、弱、快重音容易读错•The food processing industry uses these processes. •The proceeds from the bond issue will be used to finance the budget deficit. 40BritishAmericanlast[lɑːst][læst]eg:dance,plant,can't,staff,past,enhance,forecast,advantageps:/ɑ:/后面如果有r就不需要变,bar,car,far..../ɑ/→/æ/想读ɑ时,把ɑ:变æBritishAmericanrock[rɒk][rɑk]eg:adopt,water,block,concentrate,slot,nominate,volume,colleagueps:“ɒ”后面如果有r就不需要变,for,important,order/ɒ/→/ɑ/想读ɒ时,把ɒ变ɑ元音发音之间、弱读t-dt变dability[ə'bɪləti]能力quality['kwɑːləti]品质phonetic[fə'netɪk]语音的authority[ə'θɔːrəti]权力critic['krɪtɪk]评论家unity[‘juːnəti]统一音节末尾lrn≈元音发音t变dmultiple['mʌltɪpl]多种多样的fortify['fɔːrtɪfaɪ]加强counter['kaʊntər]柜台subtle['sʌtl]微妙的fantasy[‘fæntəsi]幻想st-sd,sp-sb,sk-sg,str-sdrsustain[sə'steɪn]支持cluster['klʌstər]群drastic['dræstɪk]激烈的extent[ɪk'stent]程度customary['kʌstəmeri]习惯的expertise[ˌekspɜːr'tiːz]专门知识expense[ɪk'spens]费用s后浊化st-sd,sp-sb,sk-sg,str-sdrexperimental[ɪkˌsperɪ'mentl]实验的conspicuous[kən'spɪkjuəs]显眼的excruciating[ɪk‘skruːʃieɪtɪŋ]极痛苦的exclusive[ɪk'skluːsɪv]排外的illustrate['ɪləstreɪt]说明distraction[dɪ'strækʃn]分心s后浊化实战训练与知识点升级1.辅+元末尾辅音+开头元音拼读eg:giveup,goodat,lookatit,someof,oneof,acoupleof△注意弱读&t-d•She gave him some money. (3•He puts a ring on it. 11•We have never spoken about the work. 18•My friend saved the girl at the risk of his own life. 26•All of his works were published by the same publisher.29 •in this area, almost all the insects have been killed off by pesticide47•To fry food is to cook it in hot butter or vegetable oil. •It then does digging and other nest work, and later, defends the nest and forages. •After water is purified,it is used throughout and around the stadium. •Evacuating from the top deck of the plane was difficult. •Players are awarded medals for the quality of their performance at the end of each chapter. 2. 弱读虚词弱读嘴型变小;元音变ə;h不读连词:that,and,as,or,where(where)...冠词:a,an,the介词:of,from,at,for,than,on....代词:he,him,his,her,us,them,our(ar)....助动词:are,havehashad,will...•These hats are of the same size. (2•They needed a way talk to each other, and formed a mixture of languages. 3. 辅+辅①失去爆破爆破音pbtdkg+辅前面爆破音只做嘴型不发音eg:addiction,lightreflection,itwas②相同辅音发音或发音姿势一样的,只读后面的辅音eg:filmmaking,withthe,there'ssome•We don’t have to follow. 10•We can not prevent that.15•By 1954, those unreliable methods were mostly replaced by magnetic core memory. 44• •The word is out of fashion 14•They will have tried to talk to you by the time the story is published. 33•The program has been a positive experience for my children.28•I'd love to be able to spend less time doing household chores. 30•These designs were published in local papers before the team ultimately decided to move. 41练习新单词•Sometimes there is good evidence of the speed of speciation. 42•such impairments may include physical sensory and cognitive or developmental disabilities 46新单词•Ten companies were organized into a regimen, which theoretically had 1000 men. 45•Ingredientssuchstarfishorsimplemarinatedanchoviesarefoundhereaswell49•Restriction enzymes probably evolved a common ancestor and became widespread by horizontal gene transfer. •A cobra often serves as his garland and the crescent moon as his hair ornament. •meaning that one can recover the original function by integrating its derivative,the velocity,over. •He was one of the founders of the neo-Darwinian modern evolutionary synthesis.•A polemic is a forceful argument or controversy made against one opinion,doctrine,or person. •断句•You will experience a new sense of purpose and to make plenty of new friends. 43•However , it looks similar to real milk because it is white. •Secondly, they establish a common language or system of reciprocal signals to keep social order. •So istill can recommend them but prepare to pay twice as much as they tell you initially. •Many of these employees belong to trade unions who say how much their members must be paid. •The avatar has the ability to navigate and maneuver, and often collects or manipulates objects. •Excessive alcohol misuse and drunkenness were recognized as causing social problems even thousands of years ago. •This situation provides cultural as well as linguistic challenges for any software that supports the collaborative effort.