INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES Volume 1, No 5, 2011 © Copyright 2010 All rights reserved Integrated Publishing Association Research article ISSN 0976– 4402 Received on October, 2010 Published on December 2010 697 Removal of nickel, copper, zinc and chromium from synthetic and industrial wastewater by electrocoagulation Konstantinos Dermentzis 1 , Achilleas Christoforidis 2 , Evgenia Valsamidou 2 1 Department of Engineering Science, Laboratory of Chemical Technology and Electrochemistry, Technological Education Institute TEI of Kavala, 65404 Agios Loucas, Kavala, Greece 2Department of Petroleum Technology, Laboratory of Environmental Protection, Technological Education Institute TEI of Kavala ABSTRACT In this work, the performance of electrocoagulation with aluminum electrodes for simultaneous removal of nickel, copper, zinc and chromium from synthetic aqueous aliquot solutions and actual electroplating wastewater was studied. Parameters affecting the electrocoagulation process, such as initial pH, current density, initial metal ion concentration, COD and contact time were investigated. Best removal capacity for all studied metals was achieved in the pH range 48. Mixed solutions containing the same concentrations of all metals i.e. 75, 150 and 300 mg/L were tested. Nickel, copper and zinc showed similar removal rates. They were completely removed in 20, 40 and 50 minutes respectively, while for the corresponding complete removal of chromium 40, 60 and 80 minutes were needed. Increased current density accelerated the electrocoagulation process, however, on cost of higher energy consumption. Results revealed that best removal was achieved at a current density of 40 mA/cm 2 . The electrocoagulation process was successfully applied to the treatment of an electroplating wastewater sample, where the concentrations of nickel, copper, zinc, chromium and COD were effectively reduced under the admissible limits in 60 minutes. Consequently, the electrocoagulation process is a reliable, safe and costeffective method for removing heavy metals and COD from water and wastewater. Key words: Electroplatingwastewater; electrochemical coagulation; heavy metal Removal, aluminum anode 1. Introduction Industrial effluents from electroplating industries contain high amounts of heavy metal ions, such as chromium, nickel, copper, cadmium and zinc. These heavy metal bearing wastewaters are of considerable concern because they are nonbiodegradable, highly toxic and probably carcinogen. Only 3040% of all metals used in plating processes are effectively utilized i.e. plated on the articles. The rest contaminates the rinse waters during the plating process when the plated objects are rinsed upon removal from the plating bath. Electroplating rinse waters may contain up to 1000 mg/L toxic heavy metals which, according to environmental regulations worldwide must be controlled to an acceptable level before being discharged to the environment. Several treatment processes have been suggested for the removal of heavy metals from aqueous waste streams: adsorption (Lazaridis et al., 2005), biosorption (Senthikumar et al., 2010), ion exchange (Inglezakis et al., 2003), chemical precipitation (Kurniawan et al., 2006) and electrochemical methods: electrowinning (BolgerRemoval of nickel, copper, zinc and chromium from synthetic and industrial wastewater by electrocoagulation Konstantinos Dermentzis, Achilleas Christoforidis, Evgenia Valsamidou International Journal of Environmental Sciences Volume 1 No.5, 2011 698 & Szlag, 2004), electrodialysis (Marder et al., 2004), electrodeionization (Yeon et al., 2003; Lu et al., 2010), membraneless electrostatic shielding electrodialysis/electrodeionization (Dermentzis, 2010; Dermentzis et al., 2010) and electrocoagulation. Chemical hydroxide precipitation is the most economic and the most commonly utilized procedure for the treatment of heavy metalbearing industrial effluents but after this treatment the wastewater stream can still contain up to 5 ppm heavy metals (Kurniawan et al., 2006), which is an unacceptable concentration for discharge to the environment. In order to remove heavy metals down to the ppb concentration level, the wastewater stream must be further treated using a second sulfide precipitation as a polishing step or a series of ion exchange columns. The large amounts of the precipitated sludge containing the concentrated heavy metal hydroxides or sulfides is an extremely hazardous waste and must be disposed of using special facilities at great expense to industry. From the viewpoint of environmental protection and resource saving, effective recycling and reusing of the heavy metal wastewater is strongly expected. Closedrecycle system or socalled effluentfree technology should be developed. Chemical coagulation is a quite effective method for treating heavy metal bearing wastewaters but may induce secondary pollution by adding coagulants, suc