2006-1096:“PUTTINGAFENCEAROUND”ARCHITECTURALENGINEERINGUNDERGRADUATERESEARCHPROJECTSEdmondSaliklis,CaliforniaPolytechnicStateUniversity©AmericanSocietyforEngineeringEducation,2006 “Puttingafencearound”architecturalengineeringundergraduateresearchprojectsBackground and Literature Review:Thepurpose of thispaper is to providepractical suggestions of how to design and most importantly, how to limit the scope ofproposed projects such that thatan architectural engineeringstudent can successfullyparticipate in undergraduate research. Throughout thepaper, thepedagogicalbenefits of such research projects willbeemphasized. Thispaperwillprovide ideas and encouragement to faculty who maybehesitant to undertake research with undergraduatestudents. Thepapercloses with several successfulcase studies. Several studies havepointed out thebenefits of the undergraduate research experience. Gates et al. found thatparticipation in research helps undergraduate studentsattain a higher level of competence in scienceand mathematics. They also found thatlifelong learning skills such as teamwork and improved communication arestrengthened by the undergraduate research experience1. The Boyer Commission Report hasencouraged educators to reevaluate traditionalpracticesby specifically urging thatfaculty “make researchbased learning the standard” for theeducation of theirundergraduates2.Zydyneyet al. summarized findings of surveys eliciting satisfaction ofundergraduate researchers. Some surveysfound significant improvement in technicalskills, problemsolving skills, and professional selfconfidence; others did not. ButZydyneydid conclude that undergraduate research was hugely influential in pursuit of agraduate degree3. Of those respondents who pursued a doctoral degree (57 in total), morethan 87% had participated in undergraduate research while at the university. An earlierstudyby Jemison et al.4 similarly found that undergraduateresearchers were more likelyto attend graduateprograms. Zydyneyet al.5conducted a second study regarding facultyperceptions ofundergraduate research. The most significant factor motivating faculty to involveundergraduates in their research programs was the desire to influence thecareers oftalented young students. This desire to work with and help aspiring undergraduatestudents is noble and altruistic. Ifjunior faculty can mentor such projectswith a resultingattainment, (for instancea refereed paper orconferenceproceeding), such research istruly a“winwin” situation. Thispaper will suggest methods of reaching this noble goal.One set ofbeneficialguidelines hasbeen provided by Thompson et al. in theirvery interesting and highlystructured approach for teaching undergraduateresearchers to participate in “authenticwritten oral, and graphical communications”6. The goal of theseformalgroup structures is to encourage undergraduates to pursue research, and to foster an encouraging and supportive atmospherefor these undergraduateresearchers. Undergraduate institutions would do well to implement at least some of thesepractices, for instance weekly update roundtable meetings, scheduled posterpresentations and thelike.Another set of findings on undergraduate research was reported by SanfordBernhardt and Roth7who concluded that:• Both students and faculty are most satisfied with oneonone mentored research experiences. • Faculty members are least satisfied with Independent Study research experiences. • Faculty members should be carefulboth with selectingprojects and selectingstudents. This is tellingbecauseselectivity is highlighted by their award winningpaper. Selectivity, or “putting afencearound” undergraduate engineering researchprojects isthe focus of thispaper. Such selectivity or delimiting ofprojects is criticalto a successfulexperience forboth the faculty member and the student.Before discussing these items in detail, it maybehelpful to itemize what does notconstitute a research project. Senior design projects such as capstoneprojects typicallyare not considered research, since they usually work on a design problem that can beotherwise classified as large, complicated class assignments. A word of caution is called for when setting up undergraduate research projects that would probably take more than two semesters of work;projects that could reasonablybeconsidered to bemaster thesiswork;projects that involve much pure theoretical mechanics. Such projects are hugelyimportant and meritorious, but the mentor should beprepared for a long termcommitment with the student in these cases. Ideally, if ajunior level student could befound to take on such projects, then the relationship could carry over to hisor her senioryear. More willbe said about identifying such students later in thispaper. Suggestionsfor delimiting projects:T