Internet of Things Strategic Research Roadmap 物联网研究战略路线图 15 SEPTEMBER, 2009 2009年9月15日 The meaning of things lies not in the things themselves, but in our attitude towards them. ——Antoine de Saint‐Exupery “物”的意义不在于其自身,而在于我们如何看待它。 ——Antoine de Saint‐Exupery1 Executive Summary 概要 As a part of future trends and developments the coming Internet of Things will shape the world and the society – yet sound research work and applicable recommendations are necessary to guide Europe on its way and to make it beneficial for all citizens. 作为未来的发展趋势之一——物联网将在各个方面决定未来世界和人类社会的发展方向。所以,现在有必要对物联网开展全面的研究工作,对物联网的发展提出合理可行的建议。以利于物联网在欧洲的发展,造福欧洲各国人民。 In order to reply to this challenge the Cluster of European Research Projects on the Internet of 1安东尼·德·圣‐埃克苏佩里 法国作家、飞行员,《小王子》作者。相关资料可以参见: ‐%E5%9F%83%E5%85%8B%E8%8B%8F%E4%BD%A9%E9%87%8C (中文) 或 ‐Exup%C3%A9ry (英文) Things (CERP‐IoT) developed in 2009 its Strategic Research Agenda (SRA), taking into account its experiences and the results from the ongoing exchange among European and international experts. 为了迎接物联网这一挑战,欧洲物联网研究项目组(CERP‐IoT)于2009年制定了物联网相关的战略研究路线图(SRA)。这一路线图不但综合了欧洲各界专家的意见,同时也汇集了欧洲专家与世界各地专家的交流成果。 The present document proposes a list of research fields and a roadmap on future R&D until 2010, before 2015 and beyond 2020. 现在这个版本的路线图是对物联网研究和发展中的三个阶段——截至2010年、2015年前和2020年之后——的研究领域和研究路线提出的建议。 This initial CERP‐IoT SRA version is part of a continuous IoT community dialogue initiated by the European Commission (EC) DG INFSO‐D4 Unit for the European and international IoT stakeholders. The result is a lively one and will be updated with expert feedback from ongoing and next calls for proposals within the FP7 Framework Program on Research and Development in Europe. 路线图的早期版本来源于一系列关于物联网的社区交流。这些社区交流是由欧盟委员会DG INFSO‐D4发起的,并且由欧洲和世界各地的物联网相关各方参与。这里需要说明,本战略研究路线图(SRA)将不会是一成不变的,它将跟随着各国专家的不断提出的各项建议和欧洲框架研究计划(FP7 Framework Program)的新发展而不断地补充和进化。 The SRA for the Internet of Things is the result of a four‐step collaboration between the members of the cluster research projects: 关于物联网,本战略研究路线图(SRA)将涵盖以下四个部分的研究内容: 1.Elaboration of an IoT common definition about the meaning of Things and IoT visions, introducing the IoT concept and presenting the underlying vision 对于物联网的基础定义体系的研究,如“物”的定义和物联网的发展构想等。引入物联网的基本概念,提出物联网的基本设想。 2.Identification of IoT Application Domains exploring the application domains for the future IoT 确定物联网在社会中的应用领域,并积极探索未来可能的新应用领域。 3.Identification of Technologies that will drive the IoT development and supporting the IoT vision 确定物联网现阶段发展和未来发展所必需的技术领域。 4.Formulation of an IoT Research Agenda, presenting the research challenges and priorities, the standardization issues and the security and privacy concerns that have to be addressed and solved over the next decade 为未来十年的物联网发展制定合理的研究日程。在这份研究日程中详细描述了研究中可能遇到的问题,提出研究所应遵循的先后顺序,以及一些不能忽视的标准化工作和隐私与安全问题。 As a result the main outcomes could be summarized as follows: 通过我们的研究,上面四个研究内容现有的研究成果主要包括: zThe Internet of Things is an integrated part of Future Internet and could be defined as a dynamic global network infrastructure with self configuring capabilities based on standard and interoperable communication protocols where physical and virtual “things” have identities, physical attributes, virtual personalities and use intelligent interfaces, and are seamlessly integrated into the information network. 物联网将是未来互联网的一个重要组成部分。它将是一个动态的全球性基础网络。通过采用标准化和通用的通信协议,物联网可以自由、自主地配置网络环境。在物联网中,不论是实体的“物品”还是虚拟的“物品”都将拥有相应的自主标示,都将包含实体属性和虚拟属性。物联网将使用智能化接口,并可以和现有的以及未来的各种信息网络无缝整合。 zThe vision of Future Internet based on standard communication protocols considers the merging of computer networks, Internet of Media (IoM), Internet of Services (IoS), and Internet of Things (IoT) into a common global IT platform of seamless networks and networked “things”. This future network of networks will be laid out as public/private infrastructures and dynamically extended and improved by terminals created by the “things” connecting to one another. 未来的互联网将采用这样的标准通信协议。通过这些协议,计算机网络、媒体网络(IoM)、服务网络(IoS)和物联网(IoT)将被整合成一个全球性的通用信息平台。在这个平台中既包括了无缝连接的各种网络也包含了各种无缝连接在一起的“物品”。这种未来的网络将以公有和私有的网络设施为基础,通过“物品”之间的互联行为动态扩展、自主发展。 zWe envisage that the Internet of Things will allow people and things to be connected Anytime, Anyplace, with Anything and Anyone, ideally using Any path/network and Any service. 我们可以设想未来的物联网将允许人和物品在任何时间、任何地点、和任何人与物、采用任何途径和网络进行连接,并且可以使用任何的相关服务。 zThe concept of Internet of Things can be regarded as an extension of the existing interaction between humans and applications through the new dimension of “Things” communication and integration. 物联网可以被看作是现有的人与应用之间交互的扩展。只不过这种新的交互是通过“物”这个层面上的交流和融合来实现的。 zThe main identified IoT application domains are: 物联网的主要应用领域有: Aerospace and aviation, 航天和航空业 Automotive, 汽车工业 Telecommunications, 电信业 Intelligent Buildings, 智能建筑领域 Medical Technology, Healthcare, 医疗技术、医疗卫生和医疗保健