Translation by RDPAC, for Member use only -1- SFDA NOTIFICATION TO PUBLISH REGULATIONS OF IMPORT DRUG RE‐REGISTRATION In accordance with Drug Registration Regulation , the State Food and Drug Administration (SFDA) recently issued an announcement, which specify and further standardize relevant requirements on: application, acceptance, approval of import drug re‐registration and repackaging; archive checking procedure of re‐registration; temporary import and repackaging during re‐registration; supplementary application associated to re‐registration; issuance of re‐registration and supplemental application license etc. Notification To Publish Regulation Of Temporary Importation Of Import Drugs During Renewal Of Certificate published on January 30 2002, (Guoyaojianzhu (2002)40), Announcement Of Time Limit Of Re‐Registration Of Import Drugs And Approval published on August 14, 2003 (Guoshiyaojianzhu (2003) 210), and Announcement To Use Filing For Record During Re‐Registration Of Import Drugs published on January 14, 2004 (Guoshiyaojianzhu (2004)9) shall be abolished accordingly. ANNOUNCEMENT ON ISSUES RELATED TO IMPORT DRUG RE‐REGISTRATION Guo‐shi‐yao‐jian‐zhu(2009)18 In accordance with Drug Registration Regulation, SFDA shall further standardize relevant requirements on: application, acceptance, approval of import drug re‐registration and re‐packaging; archive checking procedure of re‐registration; temporary import and repackaging during re‐registration; supplementary application associated to re‐registration;issuance of re‐registration and supplemental application license, etc.. It is hereby announced as followings: I… Application, Acceptance, And Approval of Re‐registration of Import Drug And Repackaging 1)In accordance with Implementing Regulation of Drug Administration Laws of PRC and Provisions for Drug Registration, the application for re‐registration of import drugs should be Translation by RDPAC, for Member use only -2-submitted 6 months prior to expiration of an Import Drug License or Drug Product License. 2)Import Drug License or Drug Product License for large package of import drugs for repackaging may apply for re‐registration, but the application must be made at the same time when submitting the application of Import Drug License or Drug Product License of the original small package, where Application Form for Drug Re‐registration shall be filled out separately within one shared application dossier. SFDA shall simultaneously accept both applications, and if the requirements are met, issue acceptance notification separately to large package and original small package respectively, and proceed with the re‐registration in parallel. 3)Application for repackaging of import drugs in China should be made to local provincial authorities where the repackaging companies is located after the re‐registration of large package of import drugs being approved, by submitting the following documents: the filled Supplemental Drug Application Form, copies of renewed Import Drug License or Drug Product License of the large package (chopped with official seal of the Applicant), as well as other information required for repackaging of import drugs as specified by Provisions for Drug Registration. . Provincial drug authority shall review the dossier of repackaging application of import drug within 5 days. Where the requirements are met, it shall issue a acceptance notice, and forward all the dossier to the administration acceptance service center of SFDA (“acceptance center”). SFDA shall review the repackaging application of import drug. Where the regulations are conformed to, it shall issue an Approval of Supplemental Application ; where the regulations are not conformed to, it shall issue a Disapproval Notice with reasons . II… Archive Checking Procedure Of Re‐registration 1)In any of the following cases of import drug re‐registration, the Applicant may apply for archive checking procedure of re‐registration: 1.When applying for re‐registration, there have not occurred any changes from that of the last registration in terms of Translation by RDPAC, for Member use only -3-drug formula, manufacturing process, specification, origination of raw materials or excipients, immediate packing materials, insert sheet or packing label. Or, although there have been some changes, the supplemental application for those changes have been approved by SFDA or filed for record according to the requirements specified by Provisions for Drug Registration. 2.changes with no need for technical review such as change of company name or address, change of drug name. 3.addition or improvement of wording in insert sheet related to safety. 4.Reduction in shelf‐life of a drug 5.other items needed to be filed for record at SFDA. 2)To apply for archive checking procedure of re‐registration, applicant should clarify any occurred changes under the section of “other special explanations”, and indicate that “this applicatio
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